White Spot

(604) 560-5550
15877 Croydon Dr Surrey BC
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6.5 (22 Votes)

Foursquare Reviews:

Consensus: Over 90mins and no food! Pirate Pak day is a waste of time, it is now "a day to avoid White Spot". -Frank

키즈밀은 한사람당 10불 정도로 저렴 16에비뉴에 이외에 24에비뉴에 오픈한지 얼마되지 않아 쾌적하다 -Max맥스

Ate breakfast here when it opened a few years ago to find 3 long hairs embedded in my fried egg. Ate here today to find a long black one in the middle of the whip cream on my waffle! -Steven

Big restaurant. Staff is MIA. My drink has been left unfilled for most of the meal. -Rick

Great atmosphere. Terrible service. "Hows the food tasting? Can I get you anything?" Will NOT be asked. -Rick

Best patio. So many heaters. Always warm even if its cold out. -Chris

When busy here, bring patience. Had to wait 30+ min for food -CJ

Sydney has an amazing smile! -Mick

Add a classic plate to a burger if you want some zoo sticks -Liam